Ballyteigue Castle, Co. Wexford

Ballyteigue Castle, County Wexford, in August 1987.
A really important site: with bawn, corner turrets, tower house and beautiful later farmhouse.
The bawn had one of the very few examples of early ageless vernacular sheds/houses for animals, still in use.
They were beautifully maintained, lime washed in the traditional manner. A special treat to view.

An important complex of early Irish buildings. 
Vault over first floor, secret chamber in vault in east wall in garderobe room. Crude granite fireplace. Window seats. Three floors and attic over. Straight stairs to first floor. Tiny chamber covering stairs in corner of first floor. Then spiral going back into straight mural stairs. Possibly hipped roof on west as only gabled on east side. 
Good granite bolt hole on door to second floor. Crude stone work. Huge murder hole. Square headed doorways. 
Important bawn, almost intact. The tower house making up the east side. 
Entrance to south with machicoulis over into bawn with shot hole. Corner turrets on the west and north west corners. Fabulous small outbuildings inside, obviously very old – lovely.