Knockelly Castle, Co. Tipperary

Knockelly Castle, County Tipperary, in April 1986 and with the Castle Studies Group in May 1992. 
A magnificent tower house set within a large bawn, on prominent site. 
The family who were living in the house, set in the bawn wall, stated that they were related to the Kickham family, who were Cromwellian farriers. The castle had been taken from the Everards, who had been connected to the Butlers. 
It was good to see the bawn being put to its original use with cattle within the walls. 

The large bawn has corner turrets, one with a garderobe. Wall walks. The fine large tower has four floors below a vault and one over. A generous spiral, generous sized rooms, loops and later windows, chimney pieces etc. 
Unusual roof shape, cruciform in plan. 
Legend of a tunnel going from the entrance to the road. 
No timber floors remained. 
The guardroom in the bawn wall was thought to have made up part of the dwelling house.